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Unfair Comment
• At the height of the recent postal dispute you wrote a lengthy "Comment" headed "The Devil You Know" (CM 1-7 September). There can be little doubt the Post Office customer was......
Calor Complains
I should like to comment on the article "Calor to pull out of Esso contract" on your headline pages (CM 13 October), As no contract had been agreed, it is hard to understand how......
Bedford's Demise.
• As a major operator with a mixed vehicle fleet in excess at 300 units, we continue to use a fleet of Bedford rigid trucks in the 12/16-tonne capacity, mainly TL 1260s and......
Good Deal With Cit1
• With reference to the Operator Profile on Heuga UI (CM 20-26 October), the arti. cle states that the move away from Scalia vehicles was larg ly due to the fact that the con......
Missed Municipal
• With reference to your 25 31 August 1988 issue, Munici al Vehicle Special, we are sur prised, to say the least, that our company has been ommited from the list of vehicle......