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Power Cleaner
A power cleaner, known as the Lightning, developed by Contractors Pumps (Tamworth) Ltd, is claimed to be particularly suitable for the preparation of commercial vehicles for the......
Liquid Cleaner
Fast Klene, a liquid cleaner, has been produced by Applied Chemicals Ltd to enable high-pressure, cold-water pumps to remove tenacious road dirt without manual agitation. The......
Tappet Adjuster
A tappet adjuster has been evolved by B. Draper and Son Ltd which is known as the SPQR and has a built-in gauge that eliminates the need for checking clearances with a feeler......
Decorative Trim
An easy-to-apply self-adhe plastics strip has been develc by Mactac International Ltd for applications to the int panels of road vehicles, b and caravans in place of a strip. It......
Alarm System
A vibration-sensitive a system designed to safec vehicles against tampering theft is marketed by Trai Sales Ltd. Once the alarm been switched on any tamp with the vehicle......