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Q / Have Been Told That I Should Augment My Goods
in transit insurance cover to include CMR conditions. As I do not operate to the Continent, can you say why this is necessary? It is possible unwittingly to accept goods for......
, Have Heard Of "factorising One's Debts" But Can You...
A To factor one's debts means that you hand over your debts to one of the organisations specialising in this service. The organisation pays you, say, 70 per cent of the......
Q Could You Say How The Law Relates To Minibuses Being
used solely or partly for the activities of Scout Groups or Church Groups, etc? Although there is probably no fare paid, the persons travelling in the vehicles would either pay......
C2 In Reply To A Question About The Installation Of Radio
equipment in CM July 30, you quote Regulation 37 of the Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness, Equipment and Use) Regulations 1972. I understand that this has been......
Q One Of My Contracts Has Not Been Renewed And, Regrettably,
I must dispense with the services of one of my drivers. Can you say how long he must have been in my employ to qualify for thf employee's rights under thE new labour relations......
C2 I Read In Last Week's Issul About The Operator Whos
previously unblemished recori is now likely or in your opinio, certain to be black markei because a driver was picked fr o with a faulty exhaust. If th operator was not aware of......