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Ies Round Vn
EVER-GROWING selection loks of bus photographs has in again with the ication of Urban Buses in 980s (Ian Allan; £5.95) by n Lane. Ian Allan is :alising on the demand from Iger......
Iither British Ses?
MARKET for new buses and ;hes in Britain has gone ugh many turns and twists the past 15 years, with mass ;lining by PTEs and London Isport in the Seventies nmeting to......
Busing In Derby
AN ENTREPRENEUR with the memorable name of William Wallace Wallis — yes, it really was — has the distinction of being the provider of Derby's first horse bus service. The story......
Talking On The Move
THE RECENT SURGE of interest in mobile communications has caused more operators to contemplate the use of two-way radio. However, the wide range of advice and equipment......