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Tipper Jobs Ir Might Need Cultivating
Work for tipping vehicles can be found in the most unlikely places, and in today's economic climate tipper services need selling by Johnny Johnson MENTION tipper work and the......
Survival Course
I'm very pleased—and surprised —that the RHA has come out so firmly in favour of Britain staying in the Common Market. The national council's decision was getting warm support......
British Habit
The British are good at surviving. To be honest, I sometimes think that we've become expert with a disproportinate amount of practice over the years, which is why our resilience......
Sunday Knockers
I see the juggernautical Sunday knockers are at it again. Reporting the Kent C.C. consumer protection officer's doughty battle with overloaders, the Sunday Times informs its......
Aussie Atki
I don't know whether the juggernaut habit has hit the Antipodes yet, but let's hope not. There's probably a much more colourful Strine equivalent. A reader in Darlington, South......
Sticky End
Did you read the cautionary tale last week of the men who made a fortune out of BR and BRS consigned parcels by getting transport jobs with bogus references and then re-routeing......
Eating Out
My colleague who went to the RHA East Midland region lunch last week enjoyed the usual pleasant meal and convivial company. But several other guests were commenting on the......