18th August 1944, Page 39
18th August 1944
Page 39

Page 39, 18th August 1944
Cet The Right Men For The Job May I Thank
the Editor for his remarks in answer v Lto my recent expression of hope that the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers would get the right men for the job when this......
Bulk Buying By Groups Is Wrong Big Fleas Have Little
fleas, Upon their backs to bite 'ern, Little fleas have lesser fleas, And so ad infinitum. O N reading S.T.R.'s excellent and timely article, "Bulk Buying by Groups is......
A Danger To Commercialvehicle Distributors
I AGREE with S.T.R. that group buying is fundamentally wrong. The important fact is that a national organization for stocking and vending supplies to commercial-vehicle users is......