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Opposition To Deregulation
HAVING read the article (CM, July 28), regarding the White Paper, I would like to express my total opposition to the deregulation of stage carriage services. We operate buses in......
Get It Right, Please, Cm
I WAS DELIGHTED to read (CM, April 7) your story about working and static truck shows in Australia. Despite the forebodings of manufacturers and others about the likely demise......
Synthetic Claim
I AM WRITING in regard to an article in Technical News (CM, August 4). In the article on Synethic saving, AMS/Oil makes reference to Ryder using synthetic lubricants. This is in......
Call For Refreshment
I HAVE just read, with amazement, the letter from David Ian Armshaw of Sale, (CM July 28). He complains that he cannot pass the hgv test despite nearly two years of hgv driving.......
It's No Different In The Army
AS AN ex-regular soldier (22 years) and a qualified testing officer on vehicles from motor cycles to 52 ton tanks and their transporters, and all hgv groups, I take great......
Not A Bargain After All!
IN YOUR recent road test No 25 (week ending July 28) on the Ford Escort Van, you list in the Manufacturer's parts prices, an untrimmed offside door at £28.77; the correct price......
'muddled Thinking' In Bus Design
WHEN Mr Ponsford replied t my letter (CM July 14) he purported to defend bus desif over the last 30 years, whicl point I was challenging. How did he defend it? He quoted chapter......
Manchester-paris Was The First
IT IS a brave person who clair a "first" for anything. I was reminded of this whe reading your item (page 20, C July 7) on the Armstrong Gal London service which is said be the......