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Credit Where Credit's Due Is The Makers' Rule
If you want credit on your new lorry the manufacturers and their dealers have the ability to help you. David Wilcox assesses manufacturer-backed finance schemes and reviews what......
BEDFORD can provide customers wi credit facilities through its parent compar General Motors. A wholly owned subsidia called General Motors Acceptance Corpor tion exists to offer......
Daf Truckf
DAF TRUCKS FINANCE (UK) based in No Cheam, Surrey, is wholly owned by Daf a has been in existence for seven years. claims excellent penetration of the finar market for new Dafs;......
Erf Does Not Have A Factory-backed Finan Scheme To Assist
purchasers — "although is something we could be looking at" saic company spokesman. ERF dealers are fr to make their own arrangements with extt nal finance houses.......