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Anc Franchisee Shake-up
• Major changes are underway at ANC, following the appointment of a new team of directors, who plan to expand into Europe and seek a change in franchise arrangements with their......
Hungarian Route
• A door-to-door road and rail transport service to Hungary has been set up by Norfolk Line following a bulk material distribution contract with Budapest firm Ferunion.......
Paper Trucks
• Paper merchant William Guppy & Son will take delivery of 10 AWD 13tonners over the next three months, from J Toomey Motors of Basildon, as part of a replacement programme.......
Dragon Fired Up
• A Welsh shipping company has formed its own transport fleet because it could not agree "acceptable and competitive" rates with local hauliers. Dragon Shipping Line in Swansea,......
Tyneside Loss
• General haulier J&P Bell Distribution has gone into liquidation with the loss of 50 jobs after several of its major customers began handling distribution in-house. The Tyne &......
Healthy Business
• Federal Express has won a major healthcare distribution contract with Swindon-based ViggoSpectramed, part of BOC Healthcare.......
Gold Award
• Thompson Jewitt International has won the British International Freight Association gold award for its short sea and overland freight service.......
High Standard
• Durham company John Dee Group has won BS5750 for its warehousing operation. This is the first of John Dee's 11 UK subsidiaries to receive accreditation.......
Partners Needed
• A South West carrier plans to join forces with transport firms around the UK to offer a full nationwide service. Action Link Carriers of Bristol, which was set up 18 months......
Dip Evicts Renwicks
• Renwicks Freight has pulled out of warehousing and storage in the Avonmouth area following a Department of Transport compulsory purchase of its base which was in the path of a......