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Firm Slip Up On Frank Spencer Of Haulage
A LORRY driver was dismissed because of his accident record, not because of redundancy, a Lincoln industrial tribunal has ruled. By claiming redundancy as the reason for the......
Humber Toll Iniquitous'
BRITAIN'S leading motoring organisations have called for the removal of tolls on the Humber Bridge, saying that rural users already pay more than three times over for the road......
More Solo At Dover
LORRY traffic through Dover f by seven per cent last May, there was a huge increase unaccompanied trailer traffic. The number of commerc road haulage units (two bei one tractive......
N. Londo Ban Is Off
AS EXPECTED, the Greater I don Council has suspended plan for a lorry ban in a' square mile area of North Ld don (CM, July 4). GLC transport commit chairman Dave Wetzel said......