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Exel Invests In Its News Fleet
• Exel Logistics' Newsflow division has placed an order worth up to Z4m for 128 Leyland Daf FA60 210 17-tonners to replace vehicles in its UK fleet specialising in newspaper......
More Jobs For The Boys?
• Jobs agency Manpower predicts that recruitment is set to double in the transport industry, but leading operators have dismissed the findings as misguided post-election......
Ici Splashes Out On Tdg
• ICI Paints has signed a fiveyear deal with Transport Development Group's Glasgow-based contract services specialist McKelvie for the distribution of products to North-East......
May's Truck Output Rises
• Two reports published this week suggest that UK truck manufacturing is showing signs of recovery, with May's output up more than 30% on the same month last year. The Society......