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Safety First..
AND LAST Deaths, injuries, fines, lost productivity and iost 0-licences are among the potential consequences of workshop mishaps — CM looks at ways to keep your workshop safe.......
Defendant: Sparks Commercial Services, Southampton...
ncident: A mechanic was burned when using an o'-acetylene torch to cut brackets holding the exterior pipework of a road tanker used for carrying crude oil, which caught fire.......
Defendant: Kane Haulage, St Albans Hearing: 28 November...
An employee was injured when he fell into a vehicle inspection pit at an HGV workshop. Part of the pit was not covered at the time of the accident. The company failed to ensure......
Defendant: Truckraft (doncaster) Offence Date: 7...
apprentice HGV mechanic was killed when an HGV slipped off its supporting jack. He was working under the direct supervision of a senior mechanic. No axle stands or other......