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May I Use Your Columns To Publicise An Injustice Which I...
My husband was in the haulage business for 20 years, in partnership with me from 1975. Sadly, he was killed in a wagon early this year. I am a widow with two young children, who......
November 4), You State That "was Not In Favour Of...
In fact, I said: - I do not suggest that British hauliers should be given sufficient permits to allow a//the traffic between our countries and argued for a more flexible quota.......
Coach Maim
I was interested to read your article on coach costing (CM, August 12). Perhaps you could ensure that National Travel read it as well. At the start of this season we were......
but tefatal Following the article in CM, October 21, I have some further comments, based on shipping experience, on the optimum number of demountable bodies per chassis......
With reference to your Guide to Freight Ferries 1 977 (CM, September 2), where you show the Liverpool /Dublin freight services as being operated by P & 0 Ferries. I would draw......