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Where Licences Are Refused To Bus Operators.
W E are constantly being asked (now that licensing authorities are active in their efforts to avert competition from the bus operators with their own passenger-carrying......
London's Out-of-date Taxicabs. •
W HY is it that London, huge and important as It is, has what are described by many visitors, both British and foreign, as the worst taxicabs in the world—not from the point of......
The Problem Of The 27-ft. 6-in. Bus.
F E"'matters at present exercising the minds of passenger-vehicle makers and municipal buyers are causing more controversy than the question of bus length. Until the issue with......
Loose Leaves.
O NE can spend a very interesting day at the Dennis works at Guildford and there, in the Surrey hills, the air is as good as a tonic. The works are a hive of industry, for the......