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The Panel (continued) Paul Arthurton
Owner Paul Arthurton Transport Norfolk "A very good friend of mine always said a man can only run 10 lorries and should never be put in charge of more than that," says Paul......
Nick Matthews Logistics Manager Panther Platform Rentals...
take on the CPC exam is rather different. He thinks it's too easy and would welcome better training or tougher testing. "I took mine after a one-week residential course. I......
Martin Barnes Project Manager, Operational Logistics...
national and international CPCs into one is unlikely to benefit many UK operators, says Martin Barnes. "It's a cracking idea if you're a Dutch, French or German operator and......
John Bell Transport Manager Huntapac Produce Preston,...
rig national and international CPCs in favour of a unified one makes good sense, says John Bell, if only to reduce the workload on those who end up taking both. "I don't know......