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Check It Out
Vehicle testing and roadside checks are under scrutiny as Brussels bids to make our roads safer Words: Patric Cunnane More than 2,000 people die every year in European road......
Driver Shortage Will Damage Europe’s Recovery
A looming shortage of LGV drivers will prove a ‘severe handicap’ to Europe’s economic recovery, according to an EC-commissioned report. The report, written by an eight-strong......
New Proposals
EC proposals to make it easier for longer and heavier vehicles (LHVs) to operate across Europe are expected by the end of the year. The vehicles can exceed 18.75m and can......
In The Pipeline
• Working Time Directive – its long-awaited review is expected before May 2013. • European Register of Road Transport Undertakings – a major initiative to tackle serial......
Further Information
European Commission: http://ec. European Parliament: www.europarl.