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Militants Urge National Haulage Strike
ALEX KITSON CHALLENGES THE ACTION GROUP from our industrial correspondent • A national "road haulage strike is to be urged from midnight on April 27 in protest at the......
Ergonomic Clothes Make Their Transport Debut
by John Darker • The design of clothing for surface transport workers seems a very far cry from space flight problems. Despite speculative suggestions that lorry and bus drivers......
H Aulage Strikes Drag On
• About 168 drivers in two Liverpool companies are on strike because their employers refuse to negotiate on the £16 for a 40-hour week formula which ended the three-week......
Mr Marsh At Trta Dinner
• Mr. Richard Marsh will take Mrs. Castle's place as principal guest speaker at the TRTA annual dinner at the London Hilton Hotel on April 29. Also at the Hilton, Mr. Marsh and......