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Hover On Wheels
• A Kent express van operator has joined forces with Hoverspeed, the cross-Channel hovercraft company, to offer a jointly marketed collection and delivery service between South......
Br's Big Boxes Dea
• Freightliner, the indepei dent British Rail container s sicliary, has won the renews of its biggest contract — wc over 11 million a year. It involves import and export......
Tolls Idea 'nonsense'
• An academic's suggestior that lorries should be tolled 1 up to 210 to cross the Sever Bridge at peak times has be condemned as "complete nor sense" by the Freight Transport......
Tdg Merges Leicester Tanker Firms
• Harris Road Services, of the Transport Development Group, says it is now the largest powder tanker operator in the UK, following its take-over of the Leicester general haulage......
Auction Change For Scottish Office Yam
• Operators can now buy Scottish Office vehicles through British Car Auctions at Edinburgh and Glasgow. The two-year contract involves a yearly entry of up to 500 vehicles, with......