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Annual Tests
Annual tests are included in most comprehensive R&M contracts but exactly what does that cover? The fullest interpretation includes test preparation, steam-cleaning,......
Time And Place
R&M contracts usually charge a premium for out-of-hours servicing. Dealers and repairers running a two-shift system covering 6am-10pm may treat all that time as standard with no......
Replacement Vehicles & Roadside Assistance
Most R&M contracts include – as an extra cost option – provision of a replacement vehicle if yours is off the road for more than a specified time. For Hypothetical Haulier, this......
Safety Inspections
LONGER INTERVALS Most contracts assume eight safety inspections each year, derived from the common safety inspection interval of six weeks. But Vosa may sanction inspection......
Record Keeping & Management Information
Operators are responsible for keeping safety inspection sheets, drivers’ defect reports and R&M records for at least 15 months, so they must ensure all paperwork is returned......