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Car Transporter With Hydraulic Lift For B.t.c. Company
NEW semi-trailer: , to, carry four c . ompletcd cars, and ' . .,having a • hydraulically , operated - upper deck . which is lowered to chassis level for loading, ,was......
Duple Sales A Record
. I AST yiar's total saleS by: duple LA Motor Bodies, Ltd., We're a recoid'in the history of the company, said Mr. Herbert R. White, chairman; at the company's annual general......
"show-down" On Transport?
A CCORDING to the "Financial CI Times," the Opposition is expected, shortly after Parliament reassembles, to ask for a full-dress debate on transport. Heavy losses during the......
Original Permits : .no-digrietisation
roNTRARyfo 'a repOrt. - _publish: in a daily newspaper, no speci dispensatipn is likely to be granted those ,road haulage concerns having : and. B licences, which have failed......
Doncaster Diversions T Raffic Diversions Are Bei
• I enforced on the Great North Ro from September 7-10, during the Dc caster St. Leger race meeting. Orly' travelling north and south are advis to avoid Doncaster . between......