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School Coaches Failed To Arrive
■ NDON COACH operator Glen Valley Coaches Ltd is not fit to hold blic service vehicle licences, decided the Metropolitan Traffic mmissioners. They heard that coaches booked for......
Trial Area Damp Squib
THE NORFOLK trial area hai gone off like a damp squib, th( Government has conceded. Hardly any changes have beer made in bus services since th( trial area was set up last April......
Subsidies: A Comparison
BRITAIN comes at the bottom of the list when a comparison made between the subsidies given to bus services in 13 Europea cities. Glasgow heads the British list, with 43 per......
Answer To Metro
NEWLY FORMED retailers' asrciation has succeeded in rsuading Gateshead council put on a free shopper's bus, Hawing the opening of the . ne and Wear Metro. Retailers formed......