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• Eili T I Luj
It is said that every cloud has a silver lining and the lorry drivers strike is no exception. What an amazing change of tune by the media — no longer are we hearing the usual......
Ceamefic Paktiatitad
A friend showed me a copy of the Foster Report on Operators' Licensing, but I suggest that all transport offices should find it worthwhile spending E4 on their own one. That way......
Ditiappeotigg Juggvutaut6
I am sure you will have noticed, as I have, the almost total lack of the use of the word "juggernaut" prior to and during the strike. . While not wishing hardship on anybody. I......
With reference to your annual historic vehicle road test in your Christmas issue, it might be of interest to other historic vehicle enthusiasts such as myself to know that......
Caie'a Yea Dame
Why is it that Britain, which has the most road-oriented transport system in Europe fails in the provision of good cafés and accommodation for commercial drivers? In this......
Cattalo' 'a Wed
I collect materials published vehicle manufacturers an would like to obtain brochu on the following vehicles: G AEC, Albion, Seddon, Sca 80, 110, 140, Volvo F88-/ Fiat 619,......
Kum Tut
I would like to reply to Mr Syk letter - Tough talk on tende (CM, December 29). He does not seem to unc stand how frustrating it can to an individual trying to obt a used psv,......