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Irish Toll Protest Blocks Motorway
UP TO 100 TRUCK drivers parked at each end of Ireland's newly opened M4 toll motorway on Monday (16 January) in a protest about the high cost of the route. The two-hour demo......
A Form Er . Fruckfest Operator Of The Year Has Been...
Garforth, W Yorks-based Whitkirk Produce won the title in September 2004: news of the intended prosecution broke soon after (CM 2 December 2004). The trial, at Leeds Crown......
Oil Tanker Drivers Who Deliver To Tesco Forecourts In...
England are to strike over pension rights following a contract switch toTDG. The 140 Transport & General Workers Union members are also angry that TDG is not prepared to take......
Tom Crosby
Veteran bodybuilder Tom Crosby has died. He worke at Hawley Mills, Wilsdon Truck Bodies and most recently at lngimex.......
Trailer Sought
Police are looking for a gra trailer (chassis TVV 838803) which was stolen from Ad Purkss in Harlow during th nght of 15-16 January Contact: Ad Purkiss on 01279 422 632......
Cpc Gremlins
There were a couple of misprints or ambguities in last's week's CPC qUz on drivers hours and 0licensing. In question 2, "12arn" referred to midnight Sunda' Monday: the start......
Crown Cold Store
With reference to the new story in last week's issue, w have been asked to point ot that the only director ( Crown Cold Stores & Distr buton is Karen Thorbur Jones and that......