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Boroughs Back Ban
• London's Labour boroughs are confident that the night and weekend ban for lorries over 15.5 tonnes is here to stay. The future of the ban is to be discussed by the 33 London......
Holidays Leads Nb( Sell-off
• The first sale of a National Bus Company subsidiary has been approved by Transport Secretary John Moore. National Holidays Limited is being sold to the Pleasurama Group, which......
Lincoln Weighbridge Open
• The first enforcement weighbridge site for trucks in Lincolnshire is now open. The Holdingham site will be used regularly for checking vehicles using roads from the North West......
Neville Charrold Goes To York
• In its first major move since being taken over by Bunzl, York Trailer has expanded its tipping business activities following its acquisition of the bodybuilder Neville......
Awards Mix-up
• The picture accompanyini our story on the Motor Trani port Awards (CM last week) showed Les Wharton of Leyland Trucks, and not Haulier the Year Gerald Butt. Our apologies to......