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Letter Of The Week
This barmy ban idea will do nothing to help our economic recovery... I REALISE THAT writing to Commercial Motor is like preaching to the converted but surely the great and good......
...but May Have A Silver Lining
PERHAPS THE industry should not dismiss the Sunday lorry ban plan before looking at the beneits? ( CM 5 July). It will tighten up the market by 14.28% giving the industry a......
We Really Don’t Need This
I HAVE JUST read about the Safer Urban Driving Course ( CM 5 July) and I am writing to say that I am dismayed. It is not the commercial drivers who need this course, but the......
Please Include Your Full Name, Position, Address And...
Letters published in the magazine may also appear on the website (www. Although we do not publish anonymous letters, names can be withheld for publication.......
Is It Possible To Take Driver Cpc In Prison?
I AM AN avid reader of your magazine and in CM 17 May edition Chris Druce wrote an article about the driver shortage that is being predicted for 2014. I am hoping that you will......