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Unsatisfactory Marketing Methods.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Moron. [3400] Sir,—I desire to bring to your notice what I consider to be a deplorable instance of British marketjug methods. This department requires......
An Effective Front Lifeguard.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3401] Sir,—Last week being Safety First Week I was reminded of an excellent safety device which I had the opportunity of seeing some months......
How Seat Weight Can Be Reduced.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3402] Sir,—We have read with great interest the article, "How to Reduce Body Weight," in your issue for May 5th, and we are sure that this......
Compulsory Insurance And Failures• To Renew Driving...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3403] Sir,—Considerable publicity has been given to one or two cases decided recently in which vehicle owners had, through forgetfulness,......