19th May 1944, Page 37
19th May 1944
Page 37

Page 37, 19th May 1944
Heard In "the House"
Views of a Road-transport Man who was Present in the House of Commons When Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker Presented the Estimates for the Ministry of War. Transport By E. B. Howes......
Arranging New Vehicle Allocations
O N May 5 we published a note concerning a restriction on licences to acquire new vehicles, pointing out that the R.T.C.s have been asked not to recommend, for the time being,......
Fortifying Against Mt80 Fuel
T cdpe with one of the troubles 11; caused by MT80 fuel thete is a comparatively simple process of depositing a nickel-chromium-alloy on to the face of the valve. An......