19th November 1965, Page 35
19th November 1965
Page 35
Page 35, 19th November 1965
New Maximum-capacity Semi-trailers From Fromant
I N January next year Fromant and Son (Trailers) Ltd., of Felpham, Bognor, Sussex, are to launch a range of maximum-capacity semi-trailers plated to operate at the highest......
Bedford Boom Large Aec Orders Announced Qpeak1ng At A Press
luncheon: in k7-. 1 Glasgow last week, Mr. G. E. Moore, , .ales manager of Vauxhall Motors Ltd.,' said that registrations of commercial vehicles in the UK were tin by 0-4 per......
European Service Arra Ngements For Cummins
Record Guy Orders: A record volume of orders---worth more than Vm.—was received by Guy Motors Ltd; . during the first week of November. The major part of the order was for BignI......