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Parked Coaches A Nuisance
AN INJUNCTION was granted against Gastonia Coaches Ltd in the Chancery Division of the High Court last week to restrain the company from causing a public nuisance by parking......
Glc Cash Deal Fares Pegged
LONDON Transport passengers will not now have to face the severe fare increases predicted for next spring. And London Transport staff will be sure of their jobs for next year at......
Era Ends
AN ERA ends in East York shire this month with th, withdrawal of the last AEC Bridgemaster from service. I is the last of 50 that one operated in the area. East Yorkshire have......
A New Bus Lane Is To Corn , Into Operation In
Piccadill: between Old Park Lane an Berkeley Street on Novembe 15 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Zebra crossings near Hal Moon Street and Brick Stree have been replaced by pelicai......