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Q Is It True That A Psv Licence-holder Can Drive Any
vehkle belonging to a bus or coach operator for whom he works; a breakdown vehicle for instance? A A driver does not need to be in possession of a psv driving licence to drive a......
Q Why Is It Necessary To Deduct The Cost Of A
set of tyres when allowing for depreciation on a vehicle? Could you explain why and what difference it would make if ignored? Also would not 25 per cent per annum of the yearly......
Q We Have A Scissors-lift Platform Mounted On A...
chassis for use on construction sites for lifting materials and men to working heights of buildings under construction. Our problem is with moving the machine from site to site......
Q I Have Been A Vehicle Fitter For About Five Years
and feel that although I have no formal qualification, I am as good a fitter as my colleague who is qualified. I would like to become qualified and progress in my job but I am......