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War Damage Insurance For Business
I T has bees decided by the Board of Trade that the premium payable under the business scheme for wardamage. insurance for the whole year to September 30, 1942, shall not exceed......
How To Obtain Deferment Of Calling Up
T HE Eastern Area A.R.O. recently circulated a questionnaire dealing with the problem of labour in. reference to the transport oI sugar beet during the forthcoming campaign. As......
" Bevin Buses" For Highways Service
WE learn that a narrower model of VI! the articulated - type buses now being delivered to the Transportation Department of the Ministry of Supply for internal use at big......
Indian Substitutes For Oil Fuel
A LMOST all the commoner Indian vegetable oils can be used satisfactorily as oil-engine fuel in place of mineral oil, according to the Industrial Research Bureau's bulletin,......