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• / Have Been Told That If I Have Driven
a big artic for one day a week from August 4 1969 and continue to do so until February 2 1970 I will become eligible for the h.g.v. driver's licence without taking the driving......
Q The Terms - Constant Pressure And - Constant Volume Are...
technical papers on power units in reference to the combustion cycle. What is the meaning of the two terms? A A constant volume cycle is one in which the pressure in the......
Q Is The Present Mot Test And Plating Certificate Required
for a vehicle which is used solely on F licence for the purpose of carrying feedingstuffs and harvest for no more than three miles on roads around the farm for a short time......
• I Remember Reading In Cm Last Winter,
when the Transport Bill was before Parliament, that mini-buses of 12 seats and under were to be exempted from certain p.s.v. regulations. As I run a minibus and have heard......
Q Is There Any Provision For Taking An
unlicensed goods vehicle for MoT test similar to the one whereby an unlicensed private car may legally be taken for test? A Any unlicensed good vehicle is legally allowed on the......
, Recently Heard That A Research Project
is being carried out in connection with commercial vehicle repair work. Do you know who is doing this research? A Yes, five transport companies: J. Lyons Ltd., Unilever Ltd.,......