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Dentressangle Was Held Back By Inqui
• by Donthdc Perry Norbert Dentressangle's new UK managing director admits that protracted problems in the Eastern Traffic Area disrupted the firm's UK expansion plans. Patrice......
Death-crash Drivel Denies Being Aslee
• by Jennifer Ball A Felixstowe truck driver had been at work for 20 hours without a break when he fell asleep at the wheel and ploughed into a stationary car, killing the......
M6 Lane Plan Would Speed East-west Link
• The Government is considering widening the first three junctions of the M6 near Coventry as part of plans to improve the UK's east/west motorway links. Hauliers delivering in......
Safety Code To Farm Tipperme
• A revised code of practice for tipper drivers operating i agricultural sector has been launched by the UN Agricul Supply Trade Association (UKASTA), with the aim of red......