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Daimler Hire Bid For United Service Transport
TT was revealed this week that Daimler Hire Ltd., a subsidiary of the Hertz Corporation, is the company which is making a bid to acquire United Service Transport Co. Ltd., of......
Cav's Quality Aim
C AV Ltd. is taking a gamble on operators being willing to pay extra for high-reliability electrical equipment. This was made clear by the company's sales director, Mr. Astbury,......
Expansion Of Training
ALTHOUGH the Industrial Training Act has been law for only two years, 13 Industrial Training Boards have already been set up. Because of their activities this Act will have a......
Customs Shake-up Would Help Transport
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT C USTOMS rules are blamed for hindering IL, exports, in spite of Customs attempts to improve procedures in recent years. The outmoded......
Revolution Coming In Training
44 • • HE Industrial Training Act will open dazzling vistas for vocational training. Important though academic qualification may be, however, practical courses and training are......
Esso Drivers Strike
M ANAGEMENT and union officials were hoping to negotiate a quick settlement on Wednesday night of a strike by 150 tanker drivers and operatives at the Esso depot at Bromford......