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Rkins Develop Blown 6.354
ZBOCHARGED version of the 5.8-litre direct-injection diesel is been developed by F. Perkins, is initial blown model is for ise only at present, and will be on the Perkins stand......
Cost Of
,ARCH is wasted unless it is de known and applied," said ilsham, the - Minister of Science, anal lunch of the Motor Industry Association, in London last -ord Haitsham also......
Mann Egerton Show Latest Designs
hAANY interesting examples of their in current production of insulated and refrigerated bodies and containers were shown at an exhibition staged by Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd.,......
Orders And Deliveries
,R FROM PORTUGAL: Uniao de adores pars Irnportacao e Corner, of Lisbon, have ordered two Fammoth Major six-wheelers and arch four-wheelers. FOR JERSEY: A further five . .,eyland......