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Selnec Selects Buses Until 2000-plus
• Buses, helped by a series of road priority measures, will spearhead SELNEC Passenger Transport Executive's attack on declining revenues during the next five years, the......
Coach Drivers In Chunnel Train Tests
• Coach drivers, together with motorists and pedestrians, are assisting the Transport and Road Research Laboratory in a study of the design of trains for the proposed Channel......
Hospital Phone Bus Part-time Drivers
• An experimental dial-a-bus service operating directly between passengers' homes and Wythenshaw Hospital, Manchester, is to be launched in the near future by SELNEC PTE. To get......
£100,000 Pick-up In Plaxtons' Profits
• An increase of almost exactly £100,000 in the profits of Plaxtons (Scarborough) Ltd, the Yorkshire coachbuilder, is revealed by the latest year-end results just published. The......
A Risk To Scholars
• One of West Fife's largest private bus companies last week hit out at a trade union claim that the use of part-time drivers constituted a risk to hundreds of school children.......