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Bucks Bought By Hays Group
I Specialist distribution cornany Bucks has been bought y transport and business serices group Hays. The move nds several months of speulation as to who would take ver the......
Dawsongroup Is Floated For £55m On Stock Exchange
• Truck rental, contract hire and dealership company Dawsongroup has been floated on the Stock Exchange with a value of £55 million. Owner Peter Dawson stands to make £11.3......
Securicor Plans Computerisation
• Securicor Express, which claims to be Britain's second biggest parcels carrier next to the Post Office, is spending 28 million on a computerised sorting system for its 120......
Uk Hauliers Set To Grab European Boom Share
I British distribution corn, arms are set to grab a major hare of the European distribuion market which will be eorth £81 billion by 1992, says WC Contract Distribution in a......
• Calor Group, Which Runs A 2,500-strong Distribution...
its liquid petroleum gas products, and also owns third-party tanker operators Calor Transport and LPG, made £11.6 million profit in the six months to the end of September. Calor......