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Special Shell Pipe Lifter
• Shell UK Exploration and Production has invested nearly £100,000 in a self-powered, mechanical pipehandler for its Aberdeen pipeyard. The pipehandler, developed by James......
Reaching The Parts...
• The first two Multidrive Seddon Atkinson Stratos proved their versatility this week when they were the only vehicles capable of getting into a quarry. The two-week old......
Flatbed Safety Ban
• Flatbed trucks might be barred from carrying hazardous loads, Transport Minister Robert Atkins has warned. Following an accident involving dangerous chemicals in......
Exchange Rates Cut
• A combination of a cut in retail prices and the introduction of a free-fit engine exchange programme has reduced the cost of MAN engine replacement by up to 13%. The exchange......
Us Tests Go For Heavy Savings
• An American invention which has the potential to reduce heavy haulage operators' tyre and running costs is currently undergoing trials in Chester, South Carolina. Called the......
Willhire Addition
• Willhire has added a 17tonne bucket loading tipper to its rental fleet. Built on a Ford Cargo 1718 chassis, it has a 7.6rn 1 dropside tipping body. The newcomer is available......
Jersey Slimmer
• Leyland Daf has developed a slim version of the Roadrunner for operating on Jersey. Europa Freight has ordered two for its garment delivery services on the island. The truck......
Adding Tippers
• Dennison Trailers, Lancaster, is adding tipping trailers to its product range. The first ones will be shown at TipCon.......
Italian Lob
• The ZF Group has bought Italian components manufacturer Pai-Dernm. It has strong exports and its turnover last year was more than £25 million.......