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Automatic Lubrication By Telehoist
A N automatic chassis lubrication system has been introduced by Telehoist Ltd., Cheltenham. It is to be made and sold in the U.K. with the name Telelube system, under a recently......
New Lighting Regulations
D UBBOLITE lamps to meet the require' ments of the new regulations for long vehicles and trailers have been introduced by Flexible Lamps Ltd., Rubbolite House, Centre Drive,......
Useful For The Continent
'ROTH the R.A.C. and the A.A. have LP now published 1963 editions of their guides to touring abroad. To a certain extent the books are complementary although they contain......
For Body Trim
P OLYURETHANE foam faced with plastics has been introduced by Ceilon Acoustics Ltd., 50 Bland Street, Moss Side, Manchester, 16. It is known as Ceilothene and is normally 0.25......