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Hauliers Now Warned Of Crossing Risks
• The Ministry of Transport had never specifically focused its attention upon the slow-vehicle hazard at level crossings. Mr. Nigel Bridge, for the Ministry. told the inquiry......
Guillotine May Chop Bill
• It is clear that Labour Party managers in Parliament are poised ready to ask the Commons to approve the use of the guillotine to speed the Transport Bill out of committee, the......
Appellant Wants Full Vehicle
• The refusal by the South Wales LA of a B licence application led to an appeal by Short Bros. (Transport) Ltd. before the Transport Tribunal on Wednesday. Respondents were THC......
R Ha Chairman On Tv
• In two TV appearances and a meeting with over 100 hauliers in Plymouth on Tuesday the RHA's national chairman, Mr. P. H. R. Turner, highlighted the effects of the Transport......
Seven Inches Of Mud
• The entire premises were covered with seven inches of mud, there was no inspection pit or under-cover facility and nobody could be expected to carry out vehicle maintenance......