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Kent Council Chases Foreign Lgv Drivers For Unpaid Fines
By Derren Heyes THOUSANDS OF foreign LGV drivers are being pursued by a Kent council for non-payment of £240,000 in parking ines. Ashford Borough Council has employed a......
Number Of Foreign Trucks In Uk Is On The Rise
The Department for Transport (DfT) has revealed a significant rise in the number of foreign-registered lorries travelling from the UK to mainland Europe in the past sixteen......
Hassle-free Service Helps Raise Brian Yeardley Profit
YORKSHIRE HAULAGE irm Brian Yeardley Continental increased turnover and proit in 2011 by providing a “hassle-free service” to its customers. According to its summary accounts,......
And Finally...
What would you do to keep your white van squeaky clean? IT’S FAIR to say that the average white van man has a bad reputation, so when CM stumbled upon a YouTube video of a......