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"b.r.s. Would Not Carry Cow"
B ECAUSE he had previously given work to a private haulier, Mr. J. Charlton could not get British Road Services to carry a cow for him from Tynedale mart to Carmlington. He made......
1,000 Alfa-romeos Built In Brazil
DROGRESS is being made towards the complete fabrication in Brazil of Alfa-Romeo lorries by 1956-57. The National Motor Factory has already produced 1,000 lorries of the......
New Alloy Stays Bright
A NEW light alloy with a surface that is permanently bright and does not corrode or peel has been produced by the British Aluminium Co., Ltd. It was used for the first time for......
Half Fleet In Idleness In Bradford Employ 230 Motor
YV and trolleybuses, but between 9 a.m. and noon only 120 are used, while the rest are lying idle. We have to buy vehicles costing more than £4,000 each which are used only part......
Tipper From Standard Parts The Fourth Booklet In The Series
"Light Alloy Bodies for Road Haulage Vehicles," published by the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Banbury, deals with the construction of three basic forms of tipping body. Each......
"no-parking" Inquiry
1-1 A PUBLIC inquiry is to be held in Glasgow on November 16 by Sir Robert Tolerton into the corporation's proposals to extend no-parking regulations to several of the principal......
Registrations For July
N EW registrations under "other goods" vehicles rose from 8,701 in June to 9,483 in July. The total for the month was 14,143, bringing the figure for the seven months of this......
Rise Ip London Road Accidents
R OAD accidents in the Metropolitan Police District last year, at 42,203. were 6.4 per cent, higher than in 1952. This was disclosed in a report of the Metropolitan Police......
No Applicant : No Grant
D ECAUSE the applicant did noi appear in court, the Northern Licensing Authority last week struck out an apPlication by Mr. C. Clegg, Great Urswick, Ulverston, for a It licence......