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No Short-cuts To Cit
• I feel I must comment on your anonymous writer's letter (Dear Sir, CM 10-16 September 1987), with what I can only interpret as a "short-cut" approach to CIT membership. As......
Cpc Here . . .
• We were very interested with the letter from "Name and Address Supplied" of your recent edition. This was in response to a letter from a Mr Menzies quoting his CPC PSV......
. . . Cit There
• If you would care to pass my name and address on to the writer of The Firm that likes to say NO, I would be only too pleased to explain how I was accepted as an Associate......
Don't Talk Rubbish
• More uninformed criticism — this time from a haulier who chooses to lambast the RHA from outside the Association! Ms Sue Hart (Dear Sir, CM, September 17-23) would be welcome......
Truckers? Sciuauckers
• What with all the fuss made by yourselves and other organisations within the industry about the BBC Truckers series I sat down to watch it ready to be really annoyed by it.......
Goodbye And Thanks
• I have been a regular reader of Commercial Motor for 27 years. In that time I have read all the readers' letters religiously. This is the first time I write to you. I am about......