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R O Lling Rock E Rs Stars Have Come Out To Play In Force
this year — Sweet music to the ears of rock's specialist hauliers. If only the fans didn't dance on the trailer roofs... A n explosion, a shower of sparks and Michael Jackson is......
Reach For The Skies
utler Plant Hire of Deeside, Clwyd, operates what may be one of the most expensive commercial vehicles at work in Britain today — a Terberg F1850-based, 8x4 hydraulic work......
Look No Hands!
lill he Japanese have perfected a computer which will drive a vehicle — the driver simply punches in the destination and sits back while the car overtakes, detects other......
Fool For Thought
1' 1 61 ruckers calling at this roadside cafe in south-west London at least got a chuckle with their fry-ups. What can be wrong with an ex-Government minister who • has brought......
Waxing Lyrical For Charity
A ge Concern 78 A ge Concern 78 Return is a novel campaign launched by the old folks charity to raise money this autumn — old 78rpm records are being collected and passed on to......
Bang To Rights
ign spotted on the wall of Cummins' noise laboratory by one of the Hawk's colleagues while on a recent trip to the USA: "The making of a truly quiet diesel engine is akin to the......