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An Ombudsman To Help Jobless Drivers?
On reading the report under the above heading in CM of August 18 I was once again appalled at the apparent ignorance displayed by an MP. I suggest that Mr Garrett should try to......
Parking Danger I Was Delighted To Read The Letter Of
Mr Burgoyne in Commercial Motor of August 4 in connection with the RTITB. I agree entirely with every word he says and think that it would be a good thing if more hauliers who......
Continental Service For Diesels
The article in your issue of August 4, 1972, entitled "British manufacturers have services in Europe" tackled a subject of great importance to truck operators by attempting to......
Paying To Pass In Commercial Motor Of August 18 Mr
Fred Garrett is reported as stating that drivers having no job are having to pay the sum of £70 for training. I think they should; after all, I'm having to pay it out of £10 per......
The Monad System Further To Your Report Of July 7
which stated that the Monad system was to be installed in the Victoria Coach Station, and the subsequent denial by their publicity officer in the July 21 issue, I can only......
Tyre Service Abroad
Your article on British manufacturers' services in Europe in your excellent Ferries and Continental Operation issue spurs me to write to you concerning Dunlop's European......
You can phone a contribution to CM's Letters page so long as you state your name and address. Ring 01 - 261 8601 or 8484.......