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Sheffield United Tours Seeks To Extend Its Area
Greater demand for tours expected in 1975 SHEFFIELD United Tours Ltd had 15,632 seats unsold out of 21,000 on offer for Continental tours during 1974, a very difficult year for......
National Subsidies Out
A CALL for a national subsidy system for bus services, in place of the present subsidy for local authorities, was turned down in the Commons last week by Mr Neil Carmichael,......
Free Bus Extended
THE free Liverpool city centre bus service, which is now carrying 18,000 passengers per week should be continued next year says a report from the city's financial control......
Computers For Nbc
TWO NEW FORMS of computer have been installed by subsidiaries of the National Bus Company. Both are MDS 2400 key-to-disc systems which will be used for preparing contract......
Cutback Delayed
A DECISION by Grimsby and Cleethorpes Transport Joint Committee to cut bus services in Grimsby and Cleethorpes from December 1, has been postponed until early in the new year.......