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Spending Cuts Will Hit Enforcers
• Law-breaking hauliers will find it easier to escape detection from next year, because of cuts in traffic examiners overtime and car allowances, a union is warning. The......
Bid For Truckworld
• Graham Marshall, founder of the 63-bedroom Truckworld truckstop at Thurrock near the Dartford Tunnel, is bidding to buy back the site. It went into receivership last month......
Rspca Takes Battle To Ec
• The RSPCA has abandoned its plan to take legal action to stop hauliers from taking live sheep to France, but is stepping up its campaign for European legislation to improve......
Mixed Results From Nfc
• NFC's transport businesses have turned in a patchy set of contributions to the group's year-end results. Group pre-tax profits rose 8% to 297.7m, but the bottom Line was......