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£320,000 Export Invisible Effort
A BRITISH removal company has just won a major contract worth 04,000—and dealt a body blow to some of Europe's old and well-established outfits. For through meticulous planning,......
What Is The Reason For Manufacturers Insisting On Trucks...
This is a problem which applies to most automatic and semi-automatic gearboxes currently available on the British market. The reason is a simple one connected with the gearbox......
Q We Are Moving Loads Comprising A Number Of Heavy Concrete
blocks. We do not, normally, rope these loads as the blocks are loaded flat on to the bed of the vehicle body and only one tier of blocks is carried. We were warned by the......
Q Could You Outline The Speed Restrictions Governing...
the UK, with particular reference to those vehicles under 3 tons unladen? A The maximum speed at which goods vehicles may be driven is governed by the provisions of the Road......
Q Article 14 Of Eec Regulation 543/69 States That Crew...
not assigned to a regular service shall carry an individual control book. It makes no stipulation about goods or passenger services. Can a goods service also be a regular......