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Rhirty-nine Steps :o Aggression
\ 39-HOUR working week :an, it seems, be the centre of almost as much dran.3 as the 19 steps in John Buchan's amous novel. Terms for its adoption were at the root of he French......
K Peasant Is Lot Pleasant
,GRICULTURE in France aems to breed unbridled ggression. Nearly a year ago easants were setting fire to panish lorries entering with roduce to be sold at much )wer than EEC......
Chance To Paint Spain Red
THOSE who relish danger may welcome a six-day trip for two to Spain, with all expenses paid, to watch the concluding stages, including the final, of the World Cup football......
Heaven Above: Rha Come Down To Earth
THE Road Haulage Association has seen the light. It has at last shown that it realises that members are interested in only one thing — more than value for money. Gone is the......
A Wang By Any Other Name . . .
ANYONE whose sanity or marriage is threatened by Rubiks cube can find salvation for £15 in a computer program that will show him or her how to solve the problem after one face......
Normal Behaviour In Gwent County
TO TEST the suggestion that town dwellers without cars were deprived of access to the country, the Transport and Read Research Laboratory, with the cooperation of Gwent County......