20th January 1956, Page 40
20th January 1956
Page 40

Page 40, 20th January 1956
Insurers To Blame : Users Discharged
A N insurance official admitted blame for a policy not bein g in force when two men were char g ed at Chippin g Norton, last week, in connection with the use of a vehicle which......
Board For Newcastle Suggested
A MEETING of local councils is -to- . .0 be called by Castle Ward Rural District Council to consider a proposal that a re g ional board should be set up to control the Ne w......
Stronger Bedford 7–tonners Offered
L'Olts operators usin g lorries on heavYI work, Bedford 7-tonners are now available with flitch plates fitted as a facto r y option. The plates, of inverted-L section, are fixed......